Tuesday, 27 April 2010

how deep is the rabbit hole?

Review checklist: Firefox. Check. Blog. Check. Google reader. Check. Delicious. Check. Twitter. Check. 4 square. Well, it’s optional, so… skip it!

If the above list is full of gibberish you kinda have heard of but do not fully understand what it is or what it is for, welcome to the club!

And congratulations: you qualify as a prospective full-time MBA student at one of the most prestigious and highly ranked universities in the world: the Instituto de Empresa (alias IE).

As part of our first session of the Information Systems’ course we had the immense pleasure of hearing a tall, clumsy looking fella ramble about a myriad of tools at our disposal in the virtual world that can make our existences so much more visible and, hence, much more meaningful.

As I listened to the geekish jargon thrown at us with great enthusiast about all sorts of hardware and software gadgets I thanked God for the jokes, often quite funny, that kept me amused whilst a persistent thought hammered in my head: “what the heck is he on about?, what the heck is he on about? What the heck…”

Then he played this trailer: (you can watch the whole thing but the relevant bit is really from 1:18 to 3:50)


Bang! Lightning stroke and I could finally make (some) sense of it all: he wants us to plug in and check it out first hand! “Don’t just read about it, do it!”. 

Feeling very well about myself for having understood the message of my teacher and active blogger Enrique Dans, I could not help indulging myself in “deeper” and intellectually stimulating thoughts such as “Keanu NEO Reeves is taking the red pill to get UNplugged from the matrix, while we are taking the red pill to get PLUGGED onto it. But we have the same purpose: understand what it is.”

Bottomline, ladies and gentlemen, I present myself: my name is joao and you can now find me in wonderland…

PS - I am new to this stuff so if anyone knows how to put the youtube video directly on the page I'd appreciate some directions. Additionally... any ideas why the bullet points are showing up as a wimpy flowers??!!!....