Friday, 22 April 2011

Managing the tech start up wrap up

The "managing the tech start up" adventure started off about 6 weeks ago. In a series 12 sessions a group of about 30 MBA students and tech enthusiasts were going to be exposed to several tech entrepreneurs and investors. Equally important, we would be exposed to ourselves. To our collective knowledge, to our eagerness to make something happen, to our enthusiasm for geeky stuff. Oh, and also to our big egoes too.... and those of our guest speakers!

My own personal big ego lead me to boast that the Next Tech Big Thing would unravel in these 6 weeks. Well, it hasn't quite worked out that way but it hasn't been a complete waste of time: I have now a reasonably good idea of what "TvMe" (aka the Next Tech Big Thing) would be like and, also as important, what it will not be.

     Tv Me on a mindmap        
Let me take you through that in the next few lines (since the mindmap on the right is not really readable is it?)

What is "TvMe"?
In a nutshell, TvMe is a live video broadcasting service over the web for personal use. At the distance of 2 clicks you will be able to start a video broadcast over the web for your friends only or open for anyone to see.

I anticipate the usual objection: "but that already exists!". Of course it does, is that important? If you think so pls refer to this post and come back to me with your thoughts if you have not changed your mind.

Why will people use "TvMe"?
In a word: sharing. It is possible nowadays to share all sort of content with friends and/or the whole world but the video sharing applications are limited and live video sharing is virtually inexistent. Furthermore, there are a few additional premium services that I imagine could come really handy (ex.: can you tell me of simple clean software that can help you edit your videos?)

How much does "TvMe" cost?
The service will not be free! But neither will it have a price! It will have a free trial period and a "pay as much as you like" afterwards. I discussed the concept a little bit more here and the basic idea is to keep the service free from annoying advertising

When will "TvMe" come to life?
Not a major concern for the moment as I explained here but there is one important event that comes to my mind worth considering: 4G deployment. A service like "TvMe" will be heavily dependent on fast wireless networks and great devices that can record and connect to a network easily and the next generation of wireless networks may prove crucial for the success of the service. More on the ISPs and "great devices" next.

How will "TvMe" be deployed to the market?
I plan to capitalize on a few go-to-market ideas that came to mind during the "managing the tech start up" course which you can read in here, namely the PR through key bloggers. But equally as important will be strategic partnerships with ISPs and device manufacturers. Having spent most of my 10+ year professional career in telecoms I have a decent understanding of their business and I have some innovative ideas of how "TvMe" could partner with them for mutual benefit.

Last but not least, the "Managing the tech start up" course gave me an excuse to interact on a daily basis with a bunch of smart, committed and inspiring individuals that have the drive, the balls and, ... yes, the craziness to go ahead with their own ideas and shape them into something tangible.

Here are a few examples: foodie square (did I spell it properly?...), dealboss (love the pig!), fitempo (the power of prezi...) and watchfit (when, when, when will we have it, my friend, founder&CEO?)

line space


  1. Looks like you are do moving in the right direction. Now is time to start doing it!

    I know you are trying justinTv. Where is your differentiation argument to them? And Social cam?
    What about the huge server costs? Have you give it thoughts to the financials as well? Or you are still in the idea Phase? My 2cents: ideas are worth cero, ist all about executing them.

    Good luck! We will keep in touch!
    And you spelled it almost right. Correctly is foodieSquare (without space), the European online marketplace for food lovers!

  2. I do have some ideas about how to differentiate the service and about the financials. Some of them are on the mind map that you can't really read, others just in my hand.

    The most important thing now is to find a tech partner that can help beef up the solution and assess the feasibility of a few of the ideas I have in mind.

    Will keep you posted for sure!
